2024-02-16 15:35:01 +01:00

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namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Worksheet\Protection;
class PasswordHasher
* Get algorithm name for PHP.
private static function getAlgorithm(string $algorithmName): string
if (!$algorithmName) {
return '';
// Mapping between algorithm name in Excel and algorithm name in PHP
$mapping = [
Protection::ALGORITHM_MD2 => 'md2',
Protection::ALGORITHM_MD4 => 'md4',
Protection::ALGORITHM_MD5 => 'md5',
Protection::ALGORITHM_SHA_1 => 'sha1',
Protection::ALGORITHM_SHA_256 => 'sha256',
Protection::ALGORITHM_SHA_384 => 'sha384',
Protection::ALGORITHM_SHA_512 => 'sha512',
Protection::ALGORITHM_RIPEMD_128 => 'ripemd128',
Protection::ALGORITHM_RIPEMD_160 => 'ripemd160',
Protection::ALGORITHM_WHIRLPOOL => 'whirlpool',
if (array_key_exists($algorithmName, $mapping)) {
return $mapping[$algorithmName];
throw new Exception('Unsupported password algorithm: ' . $algorithmName);
* Create a password hash from a given string.
* This method is based on the algorithm provided by
* Daniel Rentz of OpenOffice and the PEAR package
* Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer by Xavier Noguer <>.
* @param string $pPassword Password to hash
private static function defaultHashPassword(string $pPassword): string
$password = 0x0000;
$charPos = 1; // char position
// split the plain text password in its component characters
$chars = preg_split('//', $pPassword, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
foreach ($chars as $char) {
$value = ord($char) << $charPos++; // shifted ASCII value
$rotated_bits = $value >> 15; // rotated bits beyond bit 15
$value &= 0x7fff; // first 15 bits
$password ^= ($value | $rotated_bits);
$password ^= strlen($pPassword);
$password ^= 0xCE4B;
return strtoupper(dechex($password));
* Create a password hash from a given string by a specific algorithm.
* ISO Write Protection Method
* @see
* @param string $password Password to hash
* @param string $algorithm Hash algorithm used to compute the password hash value
* @param string $salt Pseudorandom string
* @param int $spinCount Number of times to iterate on a hash of a password
* @return string Hashed password
public static function hashPassword(string $password, string $algorithm = '', string $salt = '', int $spinCount = 10000): string
$phpAlgorithm = self::getAlgorithm($algorithm);
if (!$phpAlgorithm) {
return self::defaultHashPassword($password);
$saltValue = base64_decode($salt);
$encodedPassword = mb_convert_encoding($password, 'UCS-2LE', 'UTF-8');
$hashValue = hash($phpAlgorithm, $saltValue . $encodedPassword, true);
for ($i = 0; $i < $spinCount; ++$i) {
$hashValue = hash($phpAlgorithm, $hashValue . pack('L', $i), true);
return base64_encode($hashValue);