prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM district WHERE district=:district"); $result->bindParam(":district",$strDistrict); $result->execute(); if ($row=$result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { if ($row[0]==0) $strDistrict="hamm"; } //$result = $db->query($strSQL); $result= $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM district WHERE district=:district"); $result->bindParam(":district",$strDistrict); $result->execute(); while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $strDistrict = $row['district']; $strTitle = $row['title']; $strGeojson = $row['geojson']; $numULAND=$row['ULAND']; $numUREGBEZ=$row['UREGBEZ']; $numUKREIS=$row['UKREIS']; $numUGEMEINDE=$row['UGEMEINDE']; $numInfoLat=$row['lat']; $numInfoLng=$row['lng']; $numZoom=$row['zoom']; $strTitle = "Unfallkarte $strTitle "; $strIntroText = "$strTitle basierend auf den Daten des Statistischen Bundesamtes."; $fileGeojson ="geojson/$strGeojson"; $strLocation = " AND ULAND=$numULAND AND UREGBEZ=$numUREGBEZ AND UKREIS=$numUKREIS "; if ($numUGEMEINDE>0) { $strLocation .= "AND UGEMEINDE=$numUGEMEINDE"; } } $arrDisctrict = array (); $strSQL = "SELECT district,title FROM district ORDER BY title ASC"; $result=$db->query($strSQL); while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $arrDistrict[$row['district']]=$row['title']; } $strIntro ="


"; $strIntro .= nl2br2($strIntroText); switch ($numVehicle) { case 1: case 0: $strWhere ="IstRad = 1"; $topic=2; break; case 2: $strWhere = "IstPKW = 1"; $topic=4; break; case 3: $strWhere = "IstFuss = 1"; $topic=1; break; case 4: $strWhere = "IstKrad = 1"; $topic=0; break; case 5: $strWhere = "IstGkfz = 1"; $topic=5; break; case 6: $strWhere = "IstSonstige = 1"; $topic=3; break; default: $strWhere ="IstRad = 1"; $topic=2; } $strYear = " AND UJAHR='".$numYear."' "; $strSQL="SELECT * FROM data WHERE ".$strWhere.$strYear.$strLocation; $result = $db->query($strSQL); $arrMarker = array(); $arrDescription = array(); $description=""; $numId=0; while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { //print_r($row);echo "
"; //$id = $row['OBJECTID']; $id=$numId; $numLng = $row['XGCSWGS84']; $numLat = $row['YGCSWGS84']; if ($row['IstRad']) $description .="mit Fahrradbeteiligung, "; if ($row['IstPKW']) $description .="mit PKW-Beteiligung, "; if ($row['IstFuss']) $description .="mit Fußgängerbeteiligung, "; if ($row['IstKrad']) $description .="mit Kraftradbeteiligung, "; if ($row['IstGkfz']) $description .="mit Güterkraftzeugbeteiligung, "; if ($row['IstSonstige']) $description .="mit Beteiligung eines oben nicht genannten Verkehrsmittels"; $strDescription=generate_tooltip_description($row); $strCategory=generate_category($row); $arrMarker[]="marker[".$id."] = [L.marker([".$numLat."," .$numLng."]," ." { icon: ".$arrMarkerType[$topic]." }),'".$strCategory."'];\n" ."marker[".$id."][0].addTo(mymap);\n " ."marker[".$id."][0].bindPopup('".$strDescription."');"; $numId++; } $markerid=$id+1;