<?php /** * PHP Shapefile - PHP library to read and write ESRI Shapefiles, compatible with WKT and GeoJSON * * @package Shapefile * @author Gaspare Sganga * @version 3.3.0 * @license MIT * @link https://gasparesganga.com/labs/php-shapefile/ */ namespace Shapefile\Geometry; use Shapefile\Shapefile; use Shapefile\ShapefileException; /** * MultiPolygon Geometry. * * - Array: [ * [numparts] => int * [parts] => [ * [ * [numrings] => int * [rings] => [ * [ * [numpoints] => int * [points] => [ * [ * [x] => float * [y] => float * [z] => float * [m] => float/bool * ] * ] * ] * ] * ] * ] * ] * * - WKT: * MULTIPOLYGON [Z][M] (((x y z m, x y z m, x y z m, x y z m), (x y z m, x y z m, x y z m)), ((x y z m, x y z m, x y z m, x y z m), (x y z m, x y z m, x y z m))) * * - GeoJSON: * { * "type": "MultiPolygon" / "MultiPolygonM" * "coordinates": [ * [ * [ * [x, y, z] / [x, y, m] / [x, y, z, m] * ] * ] * ] * } */ class MultiPolygon extends GeometryCollection { /** * WKT and GeoJSON basetypes, collection class type */ const WKT_BASETYPE = 'MULTIPOLYGON'; const GEOJSON_BASETYPE = 'MultiPolygon'; const COLLECTION_CLASS = 'Polygon'; /** * @var int Action to perform on polygons rings. */ private $closed_rings; /** * @var int Orientation to force for polygons rings. */ private $force_orientation; /////////////////////////////// PUBLIC /////////////////////////////// /** * Constructor. * * @param \Shapefile\Geometry\Polygon[] $polygons Optional array of polygons to initialize the multipolygon. * @param int $closed_rings Optional action to perform on polygons rings. Possible values: * - Shapefile::ACTION_IGNORE * - Shapefile::ACTION_CHECK * - Shapefile::ACTION_FORCE * @param int $force_orientation Optional orientation to force for polygons rings. Possible values: * - Shapefile::ORIENTATION_CLOCKWISE * - Shapefile::ORIENTATION_COUNTERCLOCKWISE * - Shapefile::ORIENTATION_UNCHANGED */ public function __construct(array $polygons = null, $closed_rings = Shapefile::ACTION_CHECK, $force_orientation = Shapefile::ORIENTATION_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) { $this->closed_rings = $closed_rings; $this->force_orientation = $force_orientation; parent::__construct($polygons); } public function initFromArray($array) { $this->checkInit(); if (!isset($array['parts']) || !is_array($array['parts'])) { throw new ShapefileException(Shapefile::ERR_INPUT_ARRAY_NOT_VALID); } foreach ($array['parts'] as $part) { if (!isset($part['rings']) || !is_array($part['rings'])) { throw new ShapefileException(Shapefile::ERR_INPUT_ARRAY_NOT_VALID); } $Polygon = new Polygon(null, $this->closed_rings, $this->force_orientation); foreach ($part['rings'] as $part) { if (!isset($part['points']) || !is_array($part['points'])) { throw new ShapefileException(Shapefile::ERR_INPUT_ARRAY_NOT_VALID); } $Linestring = new Linestring(); foreach ($part['points'] as $coordinates) { $Point = new Point(); $Point->initFromArray($coordinates); $Linestring->addPoint($Point); } $Polygon->addLinestring($Linestring); } $this->addGeometry($Polygon, false); } return $this; } public function initFromWKT($wkt) { $this->checkInit(); $wkt = $this->wktSanitize($wkt); if (!$this->wktIsEmpty($wkt)) { $force_z = $this->wktIsZ($wkt); $force_m = $this->wktIsM($wkt); foreach (explode(')),((', substr($this->wktExtractData($wkt), 2, -2)) as $part) { $Polygon = new Polygon(null, $this->closed_rings, $this->force_orientation); foreach (explode('),(', $part) as $ring) { $Linestring = new Linestring(); foreach (explode(',', $ring) as $wkt_coordinates) { $coordinates = $this->wktParseCoordinates($wkt_coordinates, $force_z, $force_m); $Point = new Point($coordinates['x'], $coordinates['y'], $coordinates['z'], $coordinates['m']); $Linestring->addPoint($Point); } $Polygon->addLinestring($Linestring); } $this->addGeometry($Polygon, false); } } return $this; } public function initFromGeoJSON($geojson) { $this->checkInit(); $geojson = $this->geojsonSanitize($geojson); if ($geojson !== null) { $force_m = $this->geojsonIsM($geojson['type']); foreach ($geojson['coordinates'] as $part) { $Polygon = new Polygon(null, $this->closed_rings, $this->force_orientation); foreach ($part as $ring) { $Linestring = new Linestring(); foreach ($ring as $geojson_coordinates) { $coordinates = $this->geojsonParseCoordinates($geojson_coordinates, $force_m); $Point = new Point($coordinates['x'], $coordinates['y'], $coordinates['z'], $coordinates['m']); $Linestring->addPoint($Point); } $Polygon->addLinestring($Linestring); } $this->addGeometry($Polygon, false); } } return $this; } public function getArray() { $parts = []; foreach ($this->getPolygons() as $Polygon) { $parts[] = $Polygon->getArray(); } return [ 'numparts' => $this->getNumGeometries(), 'parts' => $parts, ]; } public function getWKT() { $ret = $this->wktInitializeOutput(); if (!$this->isEmpty()) { $parts = []; foreach ($this->getPolygons() as $Polygon) { $rings = []; foreach ($Polygon->getLinestrings() as $Linestring) { $points = []; foreach ($Linestring->getPoints() as $Point) { $points[] = implode(' ', $Point->getRawArray()); } $rings[] = '(' . implode(', ', $points) . ')'; } $parts[] = '(' . implode(', ', $rings) . ')'; } $ret .= '(' . implode(', ', $parts) . ')'; } return $ret; } public function getGeoJSON($flag_bbox = true, $flag_feature = false) { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return 'null'; } $coordinates = []; foreach ($this->getPolygons() as $Polygon) { $parts = []; foreach ($Polygon->getLinestrings() as $Linestring) { $rings = []; foreach ($Linestring->getPoints() as $Point) { $rings[] = $Point->getRawArray(); } $parts[] = $rings; } $coordinates[] = $parts; } return $this->geojsonPackOutput($coordinates, $flag_bbox, $flag_feature); } /** * Adds a polygon to the collection. * * @param \Shapefile\Geometry\Polygon $Polygon * * @return self Returns $this to provide a fluent interface. */ public function addPolygon(Polygon $Polygon) { $this->addGeometry($Polygon, true); return $this; } /** * Gets a polygon at specified index from the collection. * * @param int $index The index of the polygon. * * @return \Shapefile\Geometry\Polygon */ public function getPolygon($index) { return $this->getGeometry($index); } /** * Gets all the polygons in the collection. * * @return \Shapefile\Geometry\Polygon[] */ public function getPolygons() { return $this->getGeometries(); } /** * Gets the number of polygons in the collection. * * @return int */ public function getNumPolygons() { return $this->getNumGeometries(); } /** * Forces multipolygon rings to be closed. * * @return self Returns $this to provide a fluent interface. */ public function forceClosedRings() { foreach ($this->getPolygons() as $Polygon) { $Polygon->forceClosedRings(); } return $this; } /** * Checks whether all multipolygon outer rings have a clockwise orientation and all the inner rings have a counterclockwise one. * Note that a false return value does not guarantee multipolygon is strictly counterclockwise. Use MultiPolygon::forceCounterClockwise() to enforce that! * * Returns Shapefile::UNDEFINED if geometry is empty. * * @return bool|Shapefile::UNDEFINED */ public function isClockwise() { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return Shapefile::UNDEFINED; } foreach ($this->getPolygons() as $Polygon) { if ($Polygon->getOuterRing()->isClockwise(true) === false) { return false; } foreach ($Polygon->getInnerRings() as $Linestring) { if ($Linestring->isClockwise(true) === true) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Checks whether all multipolygon outer rings have a counterclockwise orientation and all the inner rings have a clockwise one. * Note that a false return value does not guarantee multipolygon is strictly clockwise. Use MultiPolygon::forceClockwise() to enforce that! * * Returns Shapefile::UNDEFINED if geometry is empty. * * @return bool|Shapefile::UNDEFINED */ public function isCounterClockwise() { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return Shapefile::UNDEFINED; } foreach ($this->getPolygons() as $Polygon) { if ($Polygon->getOuterRing()->isClockwise(true) === true) { return false; } foreach ($Polygon->getInnerRings() as $Linestring) { if ($Linestring->isClockwise(true) === false) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Forces all multipolygon outer rings to have a clockwise orientation and all the inner rings to have a counterclockwise one. * * @return self Returns $this to provide a fluent interface. */ public function forceClockwise() { foreach ($this->getPolygons() as $Polygon) { $Polygon->getOuterRing()->forceClockwise(); foreach ($Polygon->getInnerRings() as $Linestring) { $Linestring->forceCounterClockwise(); } } return $this; } /** * Forces all multipolygon outer rings to have a counterclockwise orientation and all the inner rings to have a clockwise one. * * @return self Returns $this to provide a fluent interface. */ public function forceCounterClockwise() { foreach ($this->getPolygons() as $Polygon) { $Polygon->getOuterRing()->forceCounterClockwise(); foreach ($Polygon->getInnerRings() as $Linestring) { $Linestring->forceClockwise(); } } return $this; } public function getSHPBasetype() { return Shapefile::SHAPE_TYPE_POLYGON; } /////////////////////////////// PROTECTED /////////////////////////////// /** * Enforces class-wide action and orientation for polygons rings. * * @param \Shapefile\Geometry\Geometry $Polygon * @param bool $flag_rings_and_orientation Optionally enforce class action and orientation for rings. * * @return self Returns $this to provide a fluent interface. */ protected function addGeometry(Geometry $Polygon, $flag_rings_and_orientation = true) { parent::addGeometry($Polygon); if ($flag_rings_and_orientation && ($this->closed_rings != Shapefile::ACTION_IGNORE || $this->force_orientation != Shapefile::ORIENTATION_UNCHANGED)) { foreach ($Polygon->getRings() as $i => $Linestring) { // Closed rings if ($this->closed_rings == Shapefile::ACTION_FORCE) { $Linestring->forceClosedRing(); } elseif ($this->closed_rings == Shapefile::ACTION_CHECK && !$Linestring->isClosedRing()) { throw new ShapefileException(Shapefile::ERR_GEOM_POLYGON_OPEN_RING); } // Orientation if ($this->force_orientation == Shapefile::ORIENTATION_CLOCKWISE) { $Linestring->{($i == 0) ? 'forceClockwise' : 'forceCounterClockwise'}(); } elseif ($this->force_orientation == Shapefile::ORIENTATION_COUNTERCLOCKWISE) { $Linestring->{($i == 0) ? 'forceCounterClockwise' : 'forceClockwise'}(); } } } return $this; } protected function getWKTBasetype() { return static::WKT_BASETYPE; } protected function getGeoJSONBasetype() { return static::GEOJSON_BASETYPE; } protected function getCollectionClass() { return __NAMESPACE__ . '\\' . static::COLLECTION_CLASS; } }