query($strSQL); // Allegemeine Konfiguration while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { switch ($row['key']) { case "uploaddir" : $uploaddir=$row['value']; break; case "title" : $strTitle=$row['value']; break; case "logo": $strLogo=$row['value']; break; case "contactEmail": $contactEmail =$row['value']; break; case "introText": $strIntroText =$row['value']; break; case "impressum": $strImpressum =$row['value']; break; case "url": $strUrl =$row['value']; break; case "UrlBez": $strUrlBez =$row['value']; break; case "boolRating": $boolRating = ($row['value']=="1"); break; case "boolComment": $boolComment = ($row['value']=="1"); break; case "boolUpload": $boolUpload = ($row['value']=="1"); break; case "boolDefect": $boolDefect = ($row['value']=="1"); break; case "boolUserinfo": $boolUserinfo = ($row['value']=="1"); break; case "boolDistrictSelection": $boolDistrictSelection = ($row['value']=="1"); break; case "boolApprove": $boolApprove = ($row['value']=="1"); break; case "boolSidebar": $boolSidebar = ($row['value']=="1"); break; default: ; //echo "Fehler bei ".$row['key']; // Ende Lokalisierung break; } } // Falls der Parameter district fehlt => Hamm $result= $db->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM district WHERE district=:district"); $result->bindParam(":district",$strDistrict); $result->execute(); if ($row=$result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { if ($row[0]==0) { $strDistrict="unkown"; //default setzten $strDistrictTitle="Unbekannt"; } } // Spezifische Konfiguration für Districtt $result= $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM district WHERE district=:district"); $result->bindParam(":district",$strDistrict); $result->execute(); while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $boolActive = $row['active']==1; $strDistrict = $row['district']; $strDistrictTitle = $row['title']; $strGeojson = $row['geojson']; $numULAND=$row['ULAND']; $numUREGBEZ=$row['UREGBEZ']; $numUKREIS=$row['UKREIS']; $numUGEMEINDE=$row['UGEMEINDE']; $numInfoLat=$row['lat']; $numInfoLng=$row['lng']; $numZoom=$row['zoom']; $strIntroText = ($boolActive) ? $strIntroText : "Dateneingabe nicht möglich"; $fileGeojson ="geojson/$strGeojson"; $strLocation = " AND ULAND=$numULAND AND UREGBEZ=$numUREGBEZ AND UKREIS=$numUKREIS "; if ($numUGEMEINDE>0) { $strLocation .= "AND UGEMEINDE=$numUGEMEINDE"; } } // Arrax mit allen Distrikten für Auswahl $arrDisctrict = array (); $strSQL = "SELECT district,title FROM district WHERE active=1 ORDER BY title ASC"; $result=$db->query($strSQL); while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $arrDistrict[$row['district']]=$row['title']; } $arrTopic = array ( 2 => "Radverkehr", // 1 => "Fußverkehr", // 3 => "Bus und Bahn", // 4 => "Pkw-Verkehr", // 5 => "Lkw-Verkehr" ); $arrMarkerType = array ( 1=>"pedestrianMarker", 2=>"bicycleMarker", 3=>"trainMarker", 4=>"carMarker", 5=>"truckMarker", ); $arrIcon = array ( 1 => "", 2 => "", 3 => "", 4 => "", 5 => "" ); $arrAge = array ( 1 => "keine Angabe", 2 => "bis 14 Jahre", 3 => "15-17 Jahre", 4 => "18-25 Jahre", 5 => "25-39 Jahre", 6 => "40-64 Jahre", 7 => "65 Jahre und älter", ); $arrDefect = array ( 0 => "Pfosten/Poller", 1 => "Schranke", 2 => "Umlaufsperre/Drängelgitter", 3 => "Laternenmast", 4 => "Litfaßsäule", 5 => "Stromverteilerkasten", 6 => "Sonstiges" ); $arrTransport = array ( 0 => "keine Angabe", 1 => "kein Auto", 2 => "Auto", 3 => "Motorroller/Motorrad", 4 => "Bus/Bahn", 5 => "Fahrrad", 6 => "Zu Fuß" );